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8 votes

Post Grid: Ability to switch between excerpt and content

For a post grid of testimonials or something else "short" I'd want to use the full, formatted, the_content instead of the_excerpt. A simple toggle would allow that change. Also the ability to turn off the title link since I don't necessarily want the user clicking into a testimonial that is already fully present on that…

8 votes

Add option for 'Download' attribute for all link types.

With advanced button, you can set the link attribute to 'Download'. However, other links in blocks like 'info box', text links, etc do not have this option. These types only have the 'no follow' and 'sponsored' attribute options. This download attribute allows files to be downloaded without leaving the page or opening a new tab/window….

8 votes

Post grid/carouselle excerpt length

We need an option to limit the characters posted on the PostGrid? Why would there need to be a "read more" link if it's all there already?

8 votes

WooCommerce Single Product Payments

Allow user to show custom payments and allow custom icon to assign to custom payments. For example we want to show Indian Payment Options with icons

7 votes

Advanced Query Block - Select individual Pages

I'd like to be able to select individual pages in the advanced query block. It would also be great to be able to have pages selected at random. I recently tried to do this and was told it's not currently possible.

7 votes

Loop Query - Products Filter by Attribute

Loop Query is nice, thank you, I would like to improve the filter options in the listing section here. For example, listing according to product attributes, especially considering that there are many attribute options depending on the products, these attribute views can also be restricted depending only on the selected collections would be perfect. And…