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3 votes

Pre define and local host Google Fonts

For GDPR it is mandatory that Google Fonts are not loaded externally but hosted locally. Especially for Advanced Headline, Button etc. this must be able to be changed.

3 votes

Info Box - Responsive Container Max Width

I'd love to have the option to customize the max width for info boxes depending on breakpoint. It would make managing our flexbox settings for a section with many info boxes much simpler.

3 votes

Video gallery with filter

It would be great if there is a block that can show a gallery of videos, instead of images.

3 votes

Add a modal block that opens at load the page

I think there should be a way to make something like the modal block (either a new block or an enhancement to the existing one), but instead to load after clicking a link, it should be opened by default when one enters to the site, either as a generic popup or as an sticky bar…

3 votes

VH and VW units for all font sizes

It would be nice to have viewport height (VH) and width (VW) for all font sizes. Personally, I use them more than EM and REM because it's easier.


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