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105 votes

New Hook: Custom Post Loop

Given that hooks are already within Pro, this would be a Pro feature – but one that takes the concept of elements and broadens it. This could apply to not only archive queries, but also to the Post Grid / Carousel block as well. Some of the post loop elements can be set via Customizer,…

100 votes

More options for Sticky Header

Add option to hide when scrolling down and reveal when scrolling up. Option to add fade in or drop-down Sticky with delay.

94 votes

Option in the Row block to make a section "sticky".

It is a known css limitation : the "sticky" css property doesn’t work when there is a parent container with the overflow css property set to “hidden”. Some themes have implemented an option to overcome this limitation (Flatsome comes to my mind). I would suggest making a similar option available in the Row block. ISSUE…

91 votes

Cookie Notice

Add a Cookie notice function. Also replaceblale with a hooked-element or a modal.

1 comment
91 votes

Small search pop-up + more options for current search layout

It would be great if we could have an option that whenever you use the search function, it doesn’t overlap the whole screen, so only a small search bar would show up. Other than that, it would be great if we could change the look of the current search screen. For example by allowing us…

Planned 0 comments
91 votes

Infinite Scroll for Blog Posts

Infinite scroll so visitors can keep scrolling to more posts on my site without clicking any navigation button. I'm referring to infinite scroll for my blog posts, not my home, category or tag pages. URL should change as the reader goes from Post 1 to Post 2, etc.

90 votes

Woo Extras: Simple Product Wishlist

The Woo Extras already have a great selection of Woo features, but what I'm really missing is a simple, integrated wishlist. I would like the ability to add a button (either just an icon, or text, or text + icon) to the product archive loop or single product page, as well as via shortcode (so…

89 votes

Vertically align column content

Option to Vertically align column content is present in Elementor, and Kadence blocks currently only support Vertically alignment for rows. Please add this feature for columns as well.

82 votes

Field Type (Files upload)

Please please add the function to the form to upload a file, please. I need this I hope others need it too.