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3 votes

Amount left in order to receive free shipping (shortcode)

Amount left shortcode for using anywhere in the site. This feature will be very useful to remind visitors about their cart total and how much they need to add in order to get free shipping or discount.

3 votes

Better swipe feel and motion on mobile for carousel, slider ...

Right now, from a mobile, swiping on the slider or the carousel isn't smooth. The user experience is average. There is some resistance/back bouncing and you have to insist with your thumb/finger to get the desired motion. It would be great if you could swipe images/slides at the lightest touch, effortlessly.

3 votes

Increase maximum scroll distance

Hello! Currently, the fixed element scroll distance only supports up to 1000. I need a bigger scroll distance for my use case and I figured, it would be not too hard to increase it. (I could be wrong though, I'm not a developer.) Thank you!

3 votes

Option to Remove Post Date

Within the Post options, it would be great to have the option right where we have the option to display a featured image or not.

Solved Another Way 1 comment
3 votes

Ascend: Social Links - TIKTOK

Widgets / Header Extras widget area / Ascend: Social Links There is no TIKTOK. Please add a TIKTOK.

3 votes

Header z-index option

Header setting there can have 1 option is for z-index, currently I saw the css from header.min.css there, the #masthead have z-index of 11 only. Sometimes we might change other element z-index higher than 11, so when the sticky header reached that element with higher z-index, the header will become lower layer than the element….

3 votes

Remove dark mode icon background, please

Can you please also modify the dark mode icon so that I can only have the icon without a background? The background is ugly no matter where I put it and its height takes more space in my site header.

3 votes

Dark mode switch of background image for page in woo product single page

I am in love with dark mode of Kadence and want to suggest one more option that will make me even more in love. . In dark mode we already have possibility to change logo and this is great. One more often used case in woocommerce single product page – image on background of page….

3 votes

form block - add question field

In the form block, you should offer a "question" field type too. In addition to honeypot and reCaptcha, having an easy to solve question in the form helps prevent spam submission. Settings should include: 1. Automatically required, if it is added to form 2. question text 3. acceptable answer/s 4. a box to select whether…