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1 vote

ToC to match headings actually visible on the page

Currently if a section is hidden using Conditional Display rules, headings from within the section will still appear in the Table of Contents. You can add the same rule to each heading, but it's a chore and difficult to maintain. Could the ToC block use the filtered (visible) list of headings to prevent the need for…

1 vote

Allow a custom background colour for the Image Overlay Block

The image overlay block is a nice and easy to use tool, but quite often I'd like to use it with a customised background, for example, with a transparent PNG/WebP/SVG, and it has a hard-coded mid-grey background. Can controls to customise that colour/opacity be added? I can add custom CSS, but it's not very beginner…

2 votes

Query Loop (Adv) To add Off Canvas Filters support

Before the Query Loop (Adv) Block, we were able to use the Catalog Off Canvas Widget to add Product Filtering. When using the Query Loop (Adv) Block there isn't an option to do this. One potential solution would be to allow the Modal Block inside of Query Loop (Adv) Blocks. Then allow filter blocks to…

1 vote

hide inactive filters

We really need the filters in Adv. Query Loop to hide when there are no valid choices. This works with Toolset WooCommerce Blocks, FacetWP, YITH Ajax Product Filters and more. Until Kadence Adv. Query Block can do this, it isn't ready for stores with diverse product lines where some filters apply to some products and…

1 vote

Allow bulk upload for select fields on forms

Hi there, it would be extremely helpful if we were able to bulk upload to the select field on forms. For example, we have a field, country, and would take a very long time to manually input all of the countries. Thank you

1 vote

Filter in Kadence Forms to change options

A filter in Advanced Forms to load options for a select from and external source (external API), dynamically from PHP, etc. Change the options before rendering it to the final user.

1 vote

Adding a button is conditional to kadence form (adv)

My problem arises from wanting payment buttons to appear in an html block when a form is submitted. As long as the form is not sent, the payment buttons or any html block do not appear.


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