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Testimonials additional options: icon alignment, tail angle

I would like to have an option for the icon and the tail. Alignment for the icon – left/center/right Angle of the tail – toward left/straight(toward center)/toward right The tail I mean is the thing sticks out from the bottom of the box

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border radius on Advanced Button can't be customized by corners

I followed these steps You can add a class name (custom-border) to your Advanced Button and use this custom CSS: .custom-border {border-radius: 25px 0px 25px 25px !important;} Here's how it should work: But it didn't work. Can someone look into this?

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Video Hero with Autoplay, Restart and Unmute Controls

Right now Kadence has a nice video hero feature with a simple pause / play control, but I'm hoping you can take this further. Some designers have great success with video heros that can be restarted and unmuted with controls on the lower right hand corner of the video. This feature also needs to work…

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Add class on scroll into viewport

Is it possible to be able to add a class to an object when scrolled into the viewport so we could use CSS to apply animations and/or transitions? If we could create our own class names and create associated CSS to that class to create our own special effects. This is possible with JQuery but…

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percentage control for animations in view

Could it be possible to have a control in Kadence Blocks Pro animation options to have a setting for the %-age in view of each animated object (individually and not globally)?

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sidebar sticky table of contents

I have been trying to figure out how to add a right sidebar sticky table of contents. It seems Kadence will only build a table of contents at the bottom of my blog and not helpful after the fact! There is a youtube video showing someone do this with Kadence, but it requires Kadence "Elements"…

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Add URL link to a field Label in a Form Block

Add the possibility to add URL links to field labels in a form block. At the moment you can only add a link to the "Accept" field type. Would be very useful if you can turn all field label (partially) into URL links.


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