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94 votes

Option in the Row block to make a section "sticky".

It is a known css limitation : the "sticky" css property doesn’t work when there is a parent container with the overflow css property set to “hidden”. Some themes have implemented an option to overcome this limitation (Flatsome comes to my mind). I would suggest making a similar option available in the Row block. ISSUE…

14 votes

Add social sharing links/logo in more generic way instead only predefined

Hello all together, Hello Ben, was discussed already in the forums about a more customizable (generic) way to place logos/links with the social widget: Support Forums This should be in addition to the really often used predefined social links in social widget. This should provide way of having customized entries in the social links. This…

3 votes

Social Sharing Links/Logos missing: Steam, Discord, imgur, Email

Hello all together, Hello Ben, for a page like our (gaming) there are some social networks missing in your “social links”. 1. steam logo: The steam logo is already in your icons. Just a line for to have steam selected/configuration in your “social links” would be nice. Steam has also social parts, like the community…

1 comment
23 votes

Kadence block column width

Can you please add an option in the settings area to manually enter values for column widths? For example, if we choose 4 columns, you let us enter Column 1: 15% Column 2: 35% Column 3: 35% Column 4: 15% Another approach would be to let us choose values in fractions like: Column 1: 1/12…

89 votes

Vertically align column content

Option to Vertically align column content is present in Elementor, and Kadence blocks currently only support Vertically alignment for rows. Please add this feature for columns as well.