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28 votes

Stackable items in Header and Footer columns

I've had a couple occasions now that I wanted to have multiple items in the same column of a header or footer row but have them stacked instead of the default inline. Can settings be added to control if you want items to be stacked or inline? I think adding that setting on the column…

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32 votes

Header and Footer column contol

Would like to be able to control the number of columns in the header rows like the footer has. As well as be able to control the width set on the columns of each row.

8 votes

Animation settings

Regarding this topic(, it will be nice if there are extra options to set the tx,ty,tz values for animations that uses translate3d on CSS, like the Fade Up –

7 votes

Product Manager plugin

Regarding this topic(, it would be nice if there can only be one plugin( something like a product manager) to be installed and install the other plugins/themes on its dashboard just by clicking, rather than needing to upload plugins and themes one by one.

6 votes

Offsets for left/right aligned and wide width blocks

If the setting is set to enable offsets, when you left/right align a block, it will break outside of the content slightly. Same with wide blocks, they would break outside the defined offset area. It would be nice to have the option to display the featured image in this way as well, with title/meta above,…

406 votes

Built in Maintenance Mode for Kadence Products

It would be awesome if your theme/plugins have a maintenance mode similar to the one Elementor has –

Under Review 0 comments
13 votes

Sliding Mobile Menu

PowerPack Beaver Addons has the best mobile menu feature, one I've used on a bunch of sites. I'd love to see something similar as an option in Kadence Pro. You can find a demo here: These types of mobile menus are great for sites with lots of pages and submenus.

8 votes

Allow Further Styling of Headings

Please consider allowing for further styling of headings. Current options include font, size of font, and color of font – please add background color.

1 comment
43 votes

Side header functionality in Kadence (pro) theme

I'm working on a new website design for my own business and I'm dying to build a header to the left or right side of the website instead of the 'traditional' header on top. Like the one you can do with the Ascend theme. I would very much appreciate it if you would consider adding…