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10 votes

Convert Paragraph to Advanced Text Paragraph

Maybe a leftover from when Advanced Text was Advanced Heading, but really annoying when using the convert Para block to Advanced Text block that it first makes it a H2 and you need to manually change it to Para afterwards. It seems to detect the other heading sizes OK, so why not Para too? It…

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90 votes

Advanced Query Loop

I would like to have a query loop block with advanced options that can design a post list freely. ACF/MetaBox/Pods support with a filter hook would be nice.

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7 votes

Dynamic Content - get custom fields from MetaBox Settings Page

Meta Box allows fields for custom posts, but also for custom site-wide settings. I have some strings in these settings that I like to use in various places, like the title of an accordion block. Also checkboxes. Kadence shows all other fields, but nothing from the Settings Pages. This would be very useful, and a…

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27 votes

Product Carousel Block: Add filter hook

I think it is nice to have a filter hook on Product Carousel block query. E.g., $atts = apply_filters( ‘kadence_product_carousel_atts’, $atts, $attributes ); $shortcode = new WC_Shortcode_Products( $atts, $type );

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