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13 votes

OpenStreetMap block

It would be great if an additional block, similar to Google Maps can be added. This will use OpenStreetMap.

13 votes

Render Custom CSS at Gutenberg Editor

Custom CSS that has been written in every single blocks element that has the section to write CSS can be rendered (show the outcome) directly at Gutenberg Editor. Custom CSS at the page-specific script for Kadence Blocks Pro also can be rendered too. This feature will allow us to view the changes directly from the…

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13 votes

Horizontally align button in form block

With the advanced headings, we can horizontally align text for different viewports. It would be great (for freebie opt-ins) if we could center a button without having to rely on custom css. Just like we can center or right-align headings, paragraphs.

13 votes

Align Add to Cart button at the bottom in Product Carousel

Now, the Add to Cart button would be placed either higher and lower depending on the title and description length. Please make available an option to align the buttons at the bottom. Refer to WooCommerce Best Selling Products block.

13 votes

'Post' block - Display Entire Post

Would greatly appreciate having the option to display the *entire' post content for the Posts block…not just an excerpt (or no content). There are occasions when we're trying to capture a single post in the block and the inability to display the entire content of the post has forced us to utilize the native WP…

13 votes

Parallax on background video

When we apply a background image to a row we're given the option to apply PARALLAX functionality. It would be great if we could also do this for video.


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