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Individual shadow controls to each screen size on sections

Would be great to be able to choose different aspects of shadows to sections. E.g. In mobile, I may want 20px on the shadow X & Y measures, but on mobile just 10px. Now there are only single shadow controls that apply to all screen sizes.

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Add support for using fonts from cooLabs

Add support for the privacy-friendly drop-in replacement for Google Fonts, Maybe add a select to allow admins to select which service to use to load fonts.

1 vote

Add modal close button padding settings

Add modal close button padding settings and left align option. The modal close button doesn't really have a lot of settings that can benefit the design of one's modal. Features like padding and align settings would really improve it. Thanks.

1 vote

Adjustable width of the WordPress Gutenberg block settings

Allow resizeable right column in admin for block settings, or even detachable. Some settings bring up a horz scroll bar. Working in this narrow column is getting more tricky as blocks have more and more settings

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Target Visitors with Query String for Conversions

Kadence Conversion – Target Visitors with Query String Hi, Could you add Query String as one of the parameters for target visitors to Hide. This will work for all campaigns and referrals so they don't have to see the Pop up again. Or switched around to show for discount code. Thanks.

1 vote

Remove time delay for advanced gallery

The lowest time delay you can add today is 500ms. basically to all slider functions like Advanced slider and Advanced gallery. I want to achieve images or basically any slider/carousel to go around in slow speed but with no delays/pauses. Example for use: images of sponsors/companies you work with and have their logo rotate in…


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