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2 votes

Block visitor from changing text in Form block placeholder

Please add the possibility to block a visitor from changing the preset text in the form block placeholder (or standard value). For example if someone buys something, in most countries the seller (company, school) has an obligation to be able to proof afterwords they presented enough information in the form itself. Right now the buyer/student…

2 votes

Form subscribe to newsletterplugin

The Form builder has some actions to subscribe a visitor to a newsletter / mailing / marketing system. What we miss is the connection with the newsletterplugin. This is a good plugin we use on all our sites.

2 votes

Extend background options for Sections

Just like Row layouts, I want sections to be able to have a slider or video. It only has colors, gradients and Background Overlays at the moment.

2 votes

Vertical center Testimonials Block

Please add to the Testimonials block the ability to vertically middle align all of the testimonials in the Testimonials block. If I have a some long testimonials and some short testimonials in a carousel, it doesn't display well with the short ones not vertically centered.

2 votes

Add a Kadence Post Content block

Since WordPress removed the Post Content block from being used outside the Query Loop block, it might be helpful to have a Kadence Post Content block. This is for cases where users have the ability to create a template using the Kadence Element from the Kadence Pro feature, but do not have the Dynamic HTML…

2 votes

Advanced Gallery Block

It would be awesome to have an option to make the filename automatically the caption.

2 votes

CSS field for blocks

Is it possible for all blocks to have a field for CSS? The class field is good but it means that the CSS has to be copied across separately. Would be great if blocks could be shared between sites more easily. I realise the row block has such a field at the moment, so a…


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