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27 votes

Hooks for Posts block

I would like you to add action/filter hooks to customize the post card. Only title and common meta is inconvenient. Hooks to add/modify elements are useful.

26 votes

Post grid/carousel read more button alignment

A way to align the Read more buttons on the post content to the bottom of the container, just above the footer meta section so that the buttons on each container horizontally align.

25 votes

Using custom CSS variables as values in Kadence blocks

Can we please get the option to add any value or a CSS variable as input for Kadence blocks? For example, currently, the Advanced text block has the option to accept px, em, rem and vw. I'd like to have the option to define and enter my own variables and use them when I choose…

1 comment
25 votes

Ability to create grid with on row layout block

Instead of having to use multiple row layout blocks, you could add more rows in one row layout and possibly you could have different column widths for each row. This would make managing of grid layouts much easier.

24 votes

Dynamic Sources (Toolset)

Would be great if Dynamic Sources for Blocks would be integrated to use them with Toolset. See for further information: I hope that most of the additional code is not Toolset exclusive, hand also can be used by other CPT plugins.

Solved Another Way 4 comments
23 votes

Divider with icon/text

Divider with icon/text, where an icon can be added either left, right, or at the center of the divider line. Examples: [icon/text] —- —- [icon/text] — [icon/text] — Hope this helps! 🙂

23 votes

Tabular data - table block - displaying lists

Ability to add tabular data and manipulate responsive tables. There is no way to do this easily with row layout. Ability to add rows and columns, merge cells, options for mobile display, header and footer, etc. Ability to insert text, ivons, images into cells, alternate row background colours. All business sites have lists of contacts…

23 votes

Lightbox: Customisation of lightbox UI

Options to customize the lightbox interface such as background color, color of icons, placement of close button (e.g. top right of browser), color and size of icons and option to use/upload custom icons. Also being able to chose from a range of different transitions/animations and speed would be a plus.


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