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38 votes

Quick view for Woocommerce Kadence theme)

For Woocommerce archive pages. Quick view gives you an option to view product info on a popup without the need to open the single product page. Somethinglike that

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37 votes

Conditional Headers

Having the ability to have different headers depending on page/post type, user login/logout, etc. The most obvious use would be a home page header that all would see, and then another header for users who are using the website's features, such as membership subscribers or customers who are logged in and are familiar with the…

36 votes

Add Woocommerce Categories in Portfolio Grid/Carousel

Currently you can only select the following post type: Posts, Products and Pages ( And with taxonomy you can choose the category to certain product category). Please I appreciate adding Wocommerce categories so it can be displayed as carousel along with the different layout settings. Thank you

35 votes

Kadence Star Ratings Block

Hey Ben and team! I would love it if Kadence Blocks had a "Star Ratings" block. I feel a Star Ratings block is one of the only missing pieces for efficiently creating affiliate marketing websites that focus on product reviews, comparisons, and "best of" posts. You can use the Icon block, but it's limited and…

35 votes

coming soon

Add a coming soon block so when you are designing your site it shows to clients your coming soon template made with kadence blocks

34 votes

A/B Testing Blog

One of the most important feature for every site owner – if you really want to grow your business – is testing. So, I'm really thinking how it could be to have A/B testing in our pages. Sure, many SaaS services offer these options, to even test some "part" of the pages. I've seen that…

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