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2 votes

Converting html with AI

Would be nice if Kadence AI could convert html (or a page builder content) into similar block editor content that consists of Kadence blocks.

1 vote

Manually Set "Last Updated" Meta

I have my travel blog set up to show the "Published On" date and also the "Last Updated" date. In general I like this because it's honest – it tells my reader if it's an old post, but also lets them know the post isn't abandoned. However, the "last updated" meta will update the date…

2 votes

Kadence Theme Menu Location

Could the Kadence Theme Setting Menu item be moved to the main side menu? Currently, it is under Apperance, it is accessed quite often and having to find it under Apperance is extra effort. Also, it makes the menu items three levels deep. It would be much easier if the Kandence menu is in the…

1 vote

Add option for adjusting paragraph spacing in customiser

hi, I hope Kadence developers can add option for adjusting paragraph spacing in customiser. This is especially useful if blog posts are long. I don't mean paragraph block. What i want is the paragrah spacing can be adjusted in customiser. The long blog posts may have a lot of paragraphs, adding this functionality in customiser…

3 votes

Smarter facet filters for Advanced Query Loop

The paint is still fresh, I know, and maybe it is already on your roadmap. As of now, facet filters are independent : Filter B will not update its available selection after a choice has been made in Filter A. Which leads to many empty results. Next update ? Otherwise quite an amazing set of…

2 votes

Add an additional display setting for a content area

I see you have Content Sections and can program where these content sections display using conditionals. Could you add a Keyword Conditional so a content area only displays on pages that include specified key phrases? Example from a different theme company: "Keyword Conditions" – Show on entries with any of the following keyword strings. Comma-separate…

2 votes

Disable Author Archive for Specific Users

Please create an option to disable for author archive for specific users in Kadence. Not every user requires an author page to be created (for example, subscribers or editors).

3 votes

Post formats

Yes, I see the post formats fading away unfortunately… but they are so handy and add a unique touch to the sites’ archive pages without any effort from the bloggers’ perspective. Post formats could make the theme even more diverse and versatile. It becomes handy when using archive pages. I mean typically the post formats…

1 comment
2 votes

Spacer/Divider Block: Give us a way to add text

In the spacer/divider block, can you please give us a way to add a headline in the middle of the dividers to work like: — text —. It would be great to be able to choose the heading tag, font settings, and text justification position… OR… give us a way to add lines like a…