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1 vote

Upload attachments to cloud

Hi there, It would be great if it were possible to upload documents that users can submit on a contact form to Google Drive, Dropbox etc instead of filling up the storage on the website. Thanks for reading.

1 vote

Icon 'Learn More Settings' in the Info Box

I would be great to be able to add an icon either in front of the Learn more text or after the learn more text like you have on a standard button. This will help create uniformity throughout the website.

1 vote

Kadence menu item location

Move the Kadence elements menu item out of the Appearance menu and into the Kadence menu. This will avoid a lot of searching and confusion.

2 votes

author page that is fully editable with a hooked element

have conditional display option for user specific author pages. instead of creating one hooked element and it displaying on all author archive pages. so instead of display on "all author archive pages" have it be display on "a specific author archive" page.

1 vote

Add custom attribute to blocks

A possibility to add custom attributes, for example 'aria-hidden="true"' or custom 'data-*' to blocks.

1 vote

Add "Device Settings" to the Kadence Elements "Template"

Hello In Kadence Elements, "Device Settings" is only available under "Content Section" and "Fixed Section". Can you also add "Device Settings" under "Template“? So that we can create different templates for desktop, tablet and mobile.

10 votes

Customization login and registration page

Login and registration page styling features are severely lacking. It would be nice to be able to add a login and registration form in the kadence forms and then use them anywhere on the website