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9 votes

Bring Your Own Key support for OpenAI

Given most people excited about using OpenAI tools probably already have their own OpenAI subscription, surely supporting BYOK for any ChatGTP / OpenAI calls is a better option than requiring purchase & management of some other credit mechanism

9 votes

Advanced Image insert dynamic URL

The Advanced Image block allows you to insert an image with a URL. The premium block lets you insert an image from a custom image field (created using ACF, Meta Box, Pods, etc.). However, the custom field must be an image field and doesn't allow a URL field. Please, add the ability to use a…

9 votes

more "off canvas menu" options in customizer?!

Please add more layout options for "off canvas mobile menu". Now the menu is animated from the side. It would be nice, if you have a normal option, animated from top to bottom (default in websites).

9 votes

Social Sharing Buttons

It would be amazing if we could have social media share buttons in Kadence Blocks (Pro) as I currently have to use another plugin for this. Like this:

9 votes

Animated title block

Other page builder have it, kadence needs it – animated titles. It would begreat to have a block wich writes titles, fades letters in or shows one word after another. There are million possibilites. Please add this!

9 votes

Additional Info Box layout and feature

Can you please add a layout preset for Info Box with "Icon" and "Title" in the same row, just like Icon List Block? Here's a screenshot of the desired block layout –

9 votes

Block default capability for the Advanced Image Block

It would be great if the new Advanced Image Block could have Block Default settings accessible under Kadence Blocks Controls. It would enhance the feature if users were able to set defaults for all of the Advanced Image Block properties.


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