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8 votes

Add a "Add More Products" Button to the "Cart Popout on add to cart"

This is for Non-Savvy customers. Currently, if I've toggled the "Show the cart popout on add to cart" option on, I will only see 2 buttons "View cart" & "Checkout". The problem: On mobile, as the cart popout takes over 7/8 of the screen, it is left with 1/8 of the screen for customers to…

8 votes

Advanced Gallery Lightbox Opacity Setting

Hello, It would be nice to be able to adjust the Advanced Gallery Lightbox overlay opacity. I find that I've been adding… /*Set Kadence Blocks Advanced Gallery Lightbox overlay opacity*/ .slbOverlay {opacity:0.9} to the theme's Additional CSS to darken the background page and background navigation arrows or buttons. Sometimes, especially with an autoplay carousel running…

8 votes

New selectable standard 16: 9 (HD) for the thumbnail slider gallery

Hello, I'm trying to create a thumbnail slider gallery with 16: 9 (HD) aspect ratio. There are specifications for landscape formats 4:3, 3:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, but unfortunately the commonly used 16:9 is missing. If I select "inherit" as aspect ratio and thumbnail ratio and fill the gallery with 16:9 images, there seems to be…

8 votes

Integrate conditional logic with popular membership plugins

Currently we need to use shortcodes in the block editor to restrict certain sections of content. This ends up being confusing for clients, as there are often several opening and closing shortcode tags on a page. It would be great if there was a way to conditionally show/hide content based on whether or not someone…

8 votes

Custom Error Messages in Form block

It would be great if we could write custom error messages like "Please enter a valid email address" or "Please accept our Privacy Policy before submitting the form". It's not a small request because the developer would've to rewrite the php and js of form block. But it would be more polite and would do…

8 votes

Post Grid: Ability to switch between excerpt and content

For a post grid of testimonials or something else "short" I'd want to use the full, formatted, the_content instead of the_excerpt. A simple toggle would allow that change. Also the ability to turn off the title link since I don't necessarily want the user clicking into a testimonial that is already fully present on that…

8 votes

Add option for 'Download' attribute for all link types.

With advanced button, you can set the link attribute to 'Download'. However, other links in blocks like 'info box', text links, etc do not have this option. These types only have the 'no follow' and 'sponsored' attribute options. This download attribute allows files to be downloaded without leaving the page or opening a new tab/window….


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