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7 votes

popup for age verify

popup for age verify, I need make a popup to the first visitor access, if the visitor is legal age, stay to visit the website, if don't agree, close the site.

7 votes

Updated captions in the Advanced Gallery

Currently, the Advanced Gallery block pulls captions from the WordPress Media Library when adding it to a post. However, when the caption in the Media Library is changed, it will not be updated in the posts. This leaves us with outdated captions across the website. Centrally managing image captions from within the Media Library is…

6 votes

Width setting for image block

Would it be possible for the image block to have a width setting as a percentage? I have to use CSS to set the width which is further complicated because the class is applied either to the figure containing the image or the div containing the figure depending on whether the block is aligned or…

6 votes

Dynamic Progress Bar Numbers

I was thinking that it would be useful to have a progress bar get the 'total number' and the 'progress number' from another place like from an ACF. A use case I have right now is a custom post type for learning assets with two ACF fields showing the total number of learners and the…

6 votes

Form (Adv) duplicate option

It would be great if there was an option to duplicate the forms for the From (Adv) block (where all settings are copied so)

6 votes

Form Submission tracking

Would like to have an option to create a dataLayer event with dynamic values such as Form name This would happen when a form is successfully submitted. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'form_success', 'form_name': 'Contact Us' // This should be the name of the form });

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6 votes

Lazy Load and pagination for the post block

I like the look of the post block. But there is a lack of functions comparing it to the post grid/carousel block. Please add pagination and lazy load to this block or add the layout to the grid/carousel one.


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