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4 votes

Flexbox Containers for your blocks in Gutenberg

Please make Flexbox Containers for your blocks in Gutenberg as it was implemented in the Spectra plugin from the Astra theme. Well, Elementor has completely switched over to Flexbox Containers. Thank you in advance.

4 votes

Splide (Slider) custom arrows for Post Carousel

I need to be able to personalize the slider arrow icons, this is such a basic feature that I'm sure a lot of people is missing. I need to be able to choose from the icon library or have a hook in order to replace it similar to what you did for the kadence theme….

4 votes

Filter Subpages in Post/Pags Grid Block

Please provide a filter to display subpages in the Post/Pages Grid Block. There are a number of filters for posts, while pages can only be shown all at once or individually. Ideally, it would be to display all subpages of a parent page. Thank you!

4 votes

Advanced form block captcha GDPR Opt-In

Hi, can you please a GDPR Opt-In option for the Capcha element in the advanced form block (like Solid Security)? I would make the usage much easier than have to block the block with the cookie banner. Thanks!

4 votes

Keep same tab active when changing block

With Kadence blocks, each time we switch to another block, the first tab is active. It would be a huge timesaver if while switching (more or less comparable blocks) the same tab would be active,

4 votes

Adding H1 to Posts Block

When using 'Posts Block', the 'H1' HTML tag is not available in the style box. Despite being done on purpose from a SEO perspective (according to Kadence Team), it becomes a problem when the option to display posts on a page is by JUST using 'Posts block' (in all sections). The only way to get…

4 votes

Table of Contents List Styling Options (not just bullet points)

I'd like the ability to style the list in a table of contents block in a variety of ways like most TOC plugins do. The current setup with only bullet points is not visually appealing. Could you give us the option to choose between numbers, bullets, nothing (only indenting with each additional H level), etc?…

4 votes

Social Icons block

I want Kadence to develop a social icons block, in this way social icons can be put in row layouts or in posts easier.


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