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4 votes

Country drop down

Could really use a country drop down option, or at least a way to upload a list, rather than adding each individually. Super great would be contextual city lists based on country selection.

4 votes

Image (Adv) dynamic title tag

It would be great if the Title option for this block could be added dynamically. This would be most useful if the block was used inside a hooked element or template.

4 votes

multiple file upload block

It would be great to have a block for the Form (Adv) block for uploading multiple files at once

4 votes

Advance Form block - Get full URL

Add an option to be able to retrieve the full URL including the URL parameters appended. For example, if the form is from here It would only get the base URL. Would like to have an option on the dynamic link that includes the full URL.

4 votes

A/B Testing For Kadence Conversions

Allow A/B Testing in Kadence Conversions (similar to Thrive Leads). Test clicks and form submits as well as testing variants between the types of popups (i.e. modal vs. slide in, or slide in vs. bar, or bar vs. modal, etc.).

4 votes

Add ability to process form entries as CPT data

The output options of the KD form currently include email, database, redirect and a list of email marketing services. It would be great to have the ability to process and store form entries for custom posts, for instance, those created with Pods or other CPT plugins. This would eliminate the need to install e.g. Gravity…


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