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1 vote

Testimonials Block grid

For the Testimonials Block grid, please give the option of a masonry display. It would make them display much more beautiful with some short and some long testimonials.

1 vote

Text decoration/animation

Would be nice to have an option to highlight certain words or phrases with a custom brush underline (if animated, even better)

1 vote

Form - Possibility to upload several attachements

The new form is very well done. I appreciate the layout and features. It would be even more convenient and versatile if the form allowed multiple attachments to be uploaded. Thanks.

1 vote

Merging multiple blocks into one

It would be great if there was an option to merge two blocks (like text and list for example) into one single block.

1 vote

Add p, span and div tag to Image Overlay Subtitle Bloc>

As of now the image overlay subtitle have only heading block from h1 to h5. But in certain scenarios there is no need on heading instead a , or tag is great. So it would be better if it available there.

1 vote

Product Excerpt

More flexibility for Product Grid / Product Carousel to be able to show an excerpt and control the length. (Excerpt does not seem to work when using products in post grid)

1 vote

Default font weight from customizer should be choosable in Grid/Carousel block

I have defined the website title fonts carefully in customizer. I'd like to use those also in Post Grid/Carousel block, but I can't concerning the font weight. There is only "bold" and "normal". IMHO there should "default" as the first option. Many fonts have 4 or more weights and they can be defined in customizer….


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