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8 votes

Pagination for Posts Block

I use the Posts block when creating customised category pages. However, I do not want to load all the posts within that category at once. A pagination feature on the posts block could improve load times on each category page. It would also make it easier for visitors to click through pages of posts (rather…

8 votes

set advanced text as default paragraph block

can it be possible to set the advanced text block as the default for paragraph text? So when I click enter, it does not use the standard WP paragraph, but the kadence advanced text block with paragraph setting instead?

8 votes

Replace Archive Loop Item for Post Grid Block

We should be able to design a post layout at the block level for the post grid/carousel block. Similar to how we're able to create a post layout under appearance > elements and then chose to replace the archive loop item.

8 votes

Add CSS variables for font-sizes

Currently, Kadence theme has CSS variables for font-family, but not on font-sizes. -global-body-font-family –global-heading-font-family –global-primary-nav-font-family –global-fallback-font: sans-serif –global-display-fallback-font It would be better if we can also have CSS variables for font-sizes.

8 votes


Repeater has diverse needs and applications that are unimaginable. For instance with repeater, you can customize any customisable. It is a great tool for the tweekers. Making listing, geolocation, wocommerce sites and many others will be much easier. If Kadence localizes repeater, it will be a great selling point to individuals coming from page builders…

1 comment
8 votes


I would love to be able to add a review block with the product name, features, summary, button, and star rating. And it being Schema Markup enabled.

8 votes

Added to cart popup and Quick Order Checkout on product page

Hello! I want to request this feature: Added to Cart Popup It's very useful and I don't want to use some other plugins for that, but yours. There is free plugin that does the same thing: Also, is there a way to add checkout features for quick order right into the product page like…