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47 votes

Tooltip functionality: hover for more info

It would be amazing if we could have an option to add tooltips to pages/posts/tables. This means that you hover over an icon or word, so that more information shows up. Please make this possible for desktop computers and other devices. Thanks!

1 comment
45 votes

Info Box - Animated Number Count

I strongly recommend that you add the animate count number feature to the "Info Box" block. WordPress is moving at a fast pace and at this point using a full blown page builder is overkill and not to mentioned that it slows down websites. In addition other Block builders have this feature. Thank you, Richard…

44 votes

Featured video in place of featured image for posts

It’d be awesome to set a featured video instead of a featured image for blog posts, this is native to wordpress by choosing a Video Post Format for an individual post. Like so: I understand Kadence doesn't support Post Formats, it's be awesome to have video archives and when users click on the post…

43 votes

Social login

Log in to websites using social accounts for visitors, buyers.

43 votes

Side header functionality in Kadence (pro) theme

I'm working on a new website design for my own business and I'm dying to build a header to the left or right side of the website instead of the 'traditional' header on top. Like the one you can do with the Ascend theme. I would very much appreciate it if you would consider adding…

42 votes

Convertkit Integration

Please add a way for Kadence forms to push data into ConvertKit's forms!