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3 votes

Search block for settings blocks

Hi folks of Kadence, Hi Ben, Kathy and Hannah, I watch a lot of youtube movies of Kadence. I noticed that a couple of times the presenters are searching for a certain setting for a certain block. My thought is when on top of every block settings a search box is available and in this…

3 votes

Different Search Bar for Custom Post Type

As of now the default search bar is used to search all the post, page and custom post type. But the problem is when you have different archive layout for post and custom post type. Now when you search it will show two type of search results with two different layout, which make the search…

3 votes

Build-In option to create a horizontal icon list without any additional css

Especially in my use cases I need a horizontal icon list from time to time, for example to display the number of beds, bedrooms and persons in an icon list. Unfortunately, the icon list of Kadence does not yet offer the possibility to simply switch to horizontal layout. Switching to columns is usually not useful,…

3 votes

learndash dynamic content

Please allow dynamic content to work with Learndash so we can build our own course layouts using Element Hook Templates.

3 votes

Make HTML and Button functions re-usable in Header rows of the Kadence Theme

In the customization panel of the Kadence theme, there are nine section where you can place the seven available items: logo, primary navigation, secondary navigation, search, social, HTML, and button. Unfortunately, each of the seven items can only be used once. However, if I want to place a promotional button in the top bar area,…

3 votes

More or menus for infinite menus for header section

The number of menus one can add to headers is now limited, especially considering that with Conditional headers you can have unlimited headers. It would be great to have many more menus available (for desktop and mobile) so each header can have its own custom menu.

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