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2 votes

Static Pages for Archives / Terms

I would like to use static pages for archive or term pages. This is only possible via elements and sone css at the moment. Overwriting an archive with an page content would be very helpful.

2 votes

Featured Image in pages - Customizer Settings

-> Pages Layout / Show featured image / Featured Position behind The featured image needs better mobile control (margin), please have a look here

2 votes

Stack related posts on mobile

Please add the option to stack the related posts on mobile to quickly give the user several related posts to choose from without the need for the user to take action (i.e. click on the carousel arrows) or have to figure out what they have to do (i.e. wait for the carousel to loop if…

2 votes

Hooked Elements + Dark Mode Settings

It would be awesome to be able to create hooked elements that can display depending on whether or not the site is in dark or lite mode.

2 votes

Filter by Geolocation

It would be great if we can have filter in slidehow or any where with respect to geo location so that we hcan show multiple offers as per country and there courrency. Right now its very difficult to achive this.