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Select products by ID in ShopKit cart banners

Currently, we can set a variation of a product in the product to add, but not define a variation product in the 'choose which product' field the banner applies to. So if both the product to be added and the one to be removed are variations of the same product, there is no way to…

1 vote

Starter Templates Heading Structure

Many of the starter templates have H4, H5, H6 as cute mini-headings just above H2 or H3. It looks great style-wise but then it doesn't have correct heading hierarchy. Can those be changed to and styled? Even worse, just a few starter templates have H1 — H3 and skip H2 in their hierarchy. I think…

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Close menu drop-downs with escape key

While accessibility is really good in Kadence, improvements can always be made. For keyboard users, the escape key should close opened drop-down vs. having to tab through all the choices to get back to the main menu. Thanks!

1 vote

Hand Picked Products Mobile Break Points and Dynamic data

There is a need for the addition of mobile breakpoints on hand-picked products. Again, there is also a need for the wonderful element to be able to pull data dynamically. For instance, if I set a custom field of new arrivals or flash deals, it will be wonderful for the element to harvest the data…

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Adjustable Image Magnification Lens

Under the shop kit product gallery, the size of the magnification lens needs to be adjustable. If the main image in the gallery window is large, the magnification lens being large and steady size does not pick the parts as one scans various parts of the image.

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If there was a single installer that once install would allow you to install all addons of Kadence you own, this would be a real time saver. I have a Lifetime deal with WPvivid and they have this and it saves so much time installing all the needed plugins.