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2 votes

vertical menu

Is there a possibility to add the option for a vertical menu and include mega menu.

2 votes

Fill Image Alt Text with Kadence AI

Use Kadence AI to generate the alt text for images. It could done directly from the Advanced Image Block. Considering filling alt text from the Advanced Gallery Block would be great also.

2 votes

Social Login/Register for Woocommerce and WP

It would be perfect to have a social login account register and login options for Kadence WP. Instead of buying different party plugins, it should be among Kadence's current plugins. We hope to develop this in your operation in the near future.

2 votes

Fade effect on testimonials block

Could we have a fade option for the testimonial carousel please. The slider is fine when displaying multiple testimonials but when using just 1 column it's really quite ugly and looks very dated. Thanks.

2 votes

Icon Line Width on Advanced Text

Please add in the ability to select a line width for icons when adding them to Text (Adv) blocks. This is available in Info Boxes and when just adding Icons, but not when you add it to the Text (Adv) block in Icon Settings. Thanks!

2 votes

Suggestions for Improving Kadence Blocks Pro Admin Controls - Move AI Full Site Templates from Core to Separate Plugin

I'm excited about the potential of AI features in Kadence Blocks and look forward to future developments. However, on websites with multiple admins, I'm concerned the prominent "Recreate This Website" button could lead to unintended changes by well-meaning but overzealous co-admins. ___A few suggestions: ___• The "Activate Kadence Blocks Pro" button is confusing on…


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