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7 votes

Call to action block

Please create a call to action block. Please make it function like Elementor's call to action where you can set a background, move over effects that change the color / shading, animation that grow / shrink, etc.

7 votes

Abilty to have Archive Page Template Same as Page Template

It would be great if there was the option to have the archive template match the page template. If a website has a dark site background/image then currently the category details content text is difficult to see and needs to be made lighter, which does not match the general style of the site. Karla from…

7 votes

Autonami Integration

Hi Guys, I would like to see an Autonami Integration in the form like you did it already with fluentcrm 🙂 kind Regards Gregor.

7 votes

Map of features and controls

I love Kadence themes, but I can spend lots and lots of time hunting around for a specific control, especially if it's buried several levels deep. It would be awesome to have a simple, static "map" listing all the available settings and controls and where to find them. For example, the other day I spent…

7 votes

Iframe sections

I would like to have a sidebar like the off-canvas section on the right or left side of the screen that always is there with a label that follows the scroll down. It should be easy to put and pull it back. In this case, it is easy to filter my products by category. And…