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6 votes

Sticky Header the Option "Main & Bottom" row is missing. (& Alternative method)

The sticky row options has five different options selected by drop down menu in the Header Section, but it is missing the option to make the middle row and bottom row sticky. Please either add in the middle and bottom row as a sticky… … or simplify it by having check boxes / buttons along…

6 votes

mobile sticky add-to-cart additional options

On the smallest screen widths, the product name, price, and button doesn't look good. It would be great if there are additional options to hide some product details inside the mobile sticky add-to-cart section.

6 votes

Add icons to Table of Contents

I think I see most sidebar table of contents on apps and other non-blog sites have icons for each TOC item. I think it would make the TOC block much better. Either that, or add TOC-like features to the Icon List block to achieve the same outcome.

6 votes


Hello can you create an hotel starter template please? Thank you in advance for your answer! Pierre

6 votes

Sticky Add to Cart Variations Action

By default when we click on add to cart with variable products, it scrolls up to the top of the page, even if we have chosen the variation or not. I need to request that if we have a default variation chosen or the user chose it, the add to cart button works directly like…

6 votes

Kadence WooCommerce Product Catalog top bar shortcode

It would be nice to have a shortcode for the top bar above the WooCommerce Product Catalog page: – Filter button to trigger the off-canvas sidebar – The "Showing xx–xx of xx results" label – The sort dropdown – The grid/list selector button These are displayed when Kadence uses the WooCommerce product archive loop page,…

6 votes

Modal global customization please

This Modal needs to be able to customize globally, we use it for many different pop up forms and other features, important to keep our buttons consistent with the others throughout our website.