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5 votes

Info Box Learn More Settings

Please give us the ability to control the learn more button settings by the device. I'd love for the button to be full-width for tablet and mobile but not on desktop.

5 votes

Smaller featured images

I'd like more choices for the size of features images for pages and posts. Right now I can only choose from no featured image or a very large one. For my design, a small image would be fine. And it's better for the Largest Contentful Paint metric as well.

5 votes

Override Where Assets Are Written to

Kadence Theme gfonts attempts to write files to the server. Some hosts lockdown filesystems fore security purposes and for good reason. Kadence Theme and Blocks should provide a method or option to override where assets are written.

5 votes

Mobile Navigation submenu items custom icon Message from the customer: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The site I am moving over to the new premium theme is As you can see on the mobile menu, when you click anywhere on an area with a + sign it expands; not just the + sign; how do I do this with your theme please? Second…

5 votes

Richer footer widgets

The footer builder can use some injections with more richer widgets. In the current state there is not much to design there, not even in the pro version.

5 votes

Youtube kadence shortcode in Virtue with nocookie="trues"

I need to have the nocookie URL with my Youtube videos embed with Kadence youtube shortcode made with the button "Shortcode virtue" up to the fields in a woocommerce product or classic editor. I have read in the community forum that I just have to add nocookie="true" in the shortcode made by the editor. This…