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5 votes

Import Export CSV for Shopkit for all kadence data.

I use wpall import all the time for importing and exporting woo data. the kadence variations swatches is a fantastic addon, however, hard to import export the data between sites.

5 votes

VLOG options

With the new trend leaning more towards video than static images for posts – can there be a way to choose what the featured image block displays on a blog archive page (video vs image) – there used to be a post type that we could choose but that has been removed by kadence.

5 votes

add space after menu icons

By default, when you add icons in the menu, they are bumped right up against the nav text. User should be able to set padding between the text and icon in the nav menu (parents and dropdowns).

5 votes

hover colors for menu icons

The text in the menu has hover and active color settings, but icons in the menu don't change color. It's great that I can add icons to my menu, but it's a useless feature if they stay the same color while the text changes color, when somebody hovers over them.

5 votes


Create an automatic link between a testimonial form and the testimonials block to display client testimonials via e.g. a slider or a grid.

5 votes

add "Layout" element

Kadence PRO's custom hooked elements functionality is great. Would be even better if it offered a "layout" type element. You wouldn't necessarily set up a content there, but rather a new layout for specific 'Single', Archive or Taxonomy item. Items to specify would be: Sidebar layout (on/off/left/right,etc) Footer Widgets Container (Full screen, Contained (specify px…

5 votes

modal button

Please create responsive options to edit the modal button style. If I justify it left on desktop, I'd like the option to center the button or make it full-width on tablet or mobile.

5 votes

Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub Icons

I'd love to see icons for Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub added as options for both the Social Network Links and the Extra Profile Information for Author Box. Jetpack offers Amazon and Goodreads, Social Media Follow Buttons Bar offers BookBub as well as Amazon and Goodreads–but it would be nice to do it all with Kadence….

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5 votes

Read More

It'd be great if there could be separate read more/text options when using a post block. Example: some posts may need to say "Learn More" while others may need "Enroll Now", etc. Currently, have to use different blocks to make this happen and then cannot use the carousel.

5 votes

Design Library Deactivation

It'd be great if the design library would hide designs that contain elements that have been disabled. For example, if forms are deactivated, then any design with a form would be hidden.