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5 votes

Product Carousel Block - add the option to use multiple Rows.

When using the Product Carousel block, you are able to set the number of Columns used. It would be a good idea to add the ability to use multiple Rows. For example, you can view the Carousel on this webpage:

5 votes

FluentCRM - Target non-Subscribers

Explicitly offer an option to target only FluentCRM non-Subscribers in Exit Intent popup. We look silly offering our Subscribe form to subscribers, no?

5 votes

Bookmark, Wishlists and Other Data Stores for Users

Can you please add the ability to have data stores for users. Another company has them and they make it possible for WordPress developers to give users the option to save items, bookmark items or have wishlists.

5 votes

Shop kit order bump

Would be great to have the option to set an order bump offer on the checkout page like this: Upsell Order Bump Offer for WooCommerce – Increase Sales, Upsell & Cross-sell, Checkout Page

5 votes

Lazy load option for post comments

WordPress has the option to break comments into multiple pages (pagination). However, it will be great if there will be an option in the theme to have a button to lazy-load the rest of the comments, instead of prev/next links.

5 votes

News and magazine starter templates and sections

It would be great to have news website starter templates and sections premade to customize. GeneratePress has made them and so has Newspack. I'd really like to not switch from Kadence. I've tried setting up my own pages like this but I'm not a graphic designer and just can't get it to look nice like…

5 votes

Font units: Add per cent

Currently, we can use PX, EM and REM. It would be great if you added more units. What I miss the most are per cent unit and keywords. The per cent option goes well with REM units because we can define the base font as 62.5% which is equal to 10px. That way it is…