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2 votes

Border radius button in customizer for each side

In the customizer, it is only possible to set a general border radius for Theme buttons. I'ld like to be able to set these for all four sides, just like the Advanced button block element

2 votes

Adding Widget anywhere on a page just like blocks

Currently there is only fixed amount of widget area available in a theme. Some commercial plugin provides widget instead of block to display their UI For example this booking search plugin I am using. I read that elementor can allow adding any widget to a page in addition to blocks

1 comment
2 votes

Converting html with AI

Would be nice if Kadence AI could convert html (or a page builder content) into similar block editor content that consists of Kadence blocks.

2 votes

Kadence Theme Menu Location

Could the Kadence Theme Setting Menu item be moved to the main side menu? Currently, it is under Apperance, it is accessed quite often and having to find it under Apperance is extra effort. Also, it makes the menu items three levels deep. It would be much easier if the Kandence menu is in the…

2 votes

Add an additional display setting for a content area

I see you have Content Sections and can program where these content sections display using conditionals. Could you add a Keyword Conditional so a content area only displays on pages that include specified key phrases? Example from a different theme company: "Keyword Conditions" – Show on entries with any of the following keyword strings. Comma-separate…

2 votes

Disable Author Archive for Specific Users

Please create an option to disable for author archive for specific users in Kadence. Not every user requires an author page to be created (for example, subscribers or editors).

2 votes

Spacer/Divider Block: Give us a way to add text

In the spacer/divider block, can you please give us a way to add a headline in the middle of the dividers to work like: — text —. It would be great to be able to choose the heading tag, font settings, and text justification position… OR… give us a way to add lines like a…

2 votes

Include Author Box on PAGES, not just posts.

This would be so simple to implement, and very useful. I have several sites I wish to convert to Kadence, but the lack of this feature means I can't, as half my content is on pages and the other half is posts, I need author box on all of them. Please offer to add these…

2 votes

Show nickname in the user menu

In the Logged In View of the Header Account widget/block, we can choose what to display: label, icon, avatar + username, etc. I'd like to have the option avatar + nickname. The reason is that username is not used anymore by our site. At least not publicly. Users only need e-mail to login, and are…